Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy Busy Busy...

My apologies again for a delayed blog post. We have been busy busy busy! As you remember last month I started school. Well what I remember school being is very different from what it is especially with 2 small children. I am struggling to find the will to get through this program and the time to complete assignments. I sit down to do assignments and the kids just hang off of me which makes it very difficult.

The whole family was sick during my last week of the in class portion of my program and I fell quite behind. Almost 4 weeks later and I've fallen even more behind in school. It's tough when you have kids...even tougher when you've constantly been sick. During my first week of placement Logan and Fox got Gastroenteritis and so me and Andrew didn't get any sleep that week and were constantly doing laundry. I had to take 1 day off my placement to help them out. This past week I got it and so nothing has gotten done and I had to miss 4 more days of placement which means I lose 1 week of my break where I need to make it up.

I'm quite frustrated as me and Andrew already never see each other while I'm working basically 8-4 mon-fri and he works from home during the week and 10-9pm saturday and sunday. Throw on top of that everyone being sick for a month now with different things and that equals a loooong month. Hopefully this next month will be better than this last one :)

Otherwise not much is new. Kids are doing well. Logan has grown heaps in the last couple weeks mentally. She's talking so much and explaining things and strings sentences together. It's pretty weird that she's communicating like that because I still think of her as a baby but at the same time, it's becoming so much fun to be with her. Her tantrums are starting to subside and it's becoming easier to explain things to her and reason through things. She is loving preschool and learning all kinds of new things and experimenting with all kinds of new experiences. Fox is also doing well, he's starting the tantrum phase *sigh* but hopefully he won't be as bad as Logan was. He's a bit better natured. He still loves his cuddles and is starting to say "mama" and "dada".

Here's some recent pics of the kids enjoying their sand pit and me playing uke with Fox:

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