Thursday, March 3, 2011


Sorry for the lack of updates the last week or so. We had an earthquake! Which I am sure you all knew and heard of. Shary and I made our way out of the city for a week to let things settle down and let the city folk restore things like power and water.

But now we are back and things are slowly returning to normal. I still cannot believe how lucky we were. Thousands lost their homes and hundreds their lives. It was truly a tragic event. Luckily we didn't even lose a glass or plate. Our apartment was a mess, but nothing was broken.

I also wish we had more time to explore the city centre before the quake. We only went down once and Logan was miserable the whole time so it really wasnt enjoyable. But it was beautiful.

If you want to see some more pictures, and how it looks now, check this link out. Its pretty fascinating.

Thankfully we also bought a car 3 days before the quake hit. The buses aren't running and we would have literally been trapped with no real way to get food or get out of the city to calm down and wrap out heads around what has happened.

This is our baby! isnt she pretty?

We bought a Toyota Spacio, its fancy and only available in NZ and Japan. Basically its a Corolla but with a hatchback and an extra row of seats, so it can fit 6, or have a massive trunk. But all in a package that is the size and weight of a sedan. Its pretty sweet. I dont know why we dont have cars like that in North America.

Anyways, we are back and in business now and my next post will be back to our trip to Abel Tasman and the north end of the South Island.

And on a final note, there are alot of sketchy asian knock-off products here...and you can easily tell which is which.

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