Friday, July 8, 2011

Kiddie Update

As promised a chillin update. Andrew is off playing video games with Duncan from Toronto over the internet, so their relationship hasn't changed much and I have some time while the kids are napping to update.

Logan and Fox have both grown so much over the last few months but in different ways. Logan hasn't really grown taller or gained any weight (maybe 1 lb since we got here) but my oh my has her brain developed. I can't even believe it, it's almost like it happens overnight. I can still remember the one day when I realized she wasn't a baby anymore back in Toronto. I think she was about 14 months and I walked into her room while she was napping just to make sure she was asleep and I looked at her outstretched in her crib in just a onesie and realized she was HUGE. She took up so much of the crib and that's when I realized she wasn't a baby. I guess with your first child you don't realize it until certain moments because you are constantly thinking of them as a newborn and with your second you have to hurry their growth along to catch up with the first so you are thinking of them as your older child. Another lightbulb moment was when she put the circle into a shape sorter toy by herself and I was just thinking when did this happen?! Here's her jumping:

Anyways she has gotten so smart. She names the animals in books and now asks me "whaza" meaning "what's that?" when she doesn't know what it is.

She sings Twinkle twinkle little star and the Barney song. She also absolutely loves Skinamarinki dink. She knows her alphabet up to the letter G. Me being a teacher of course has to get her started young. My friend Heidi gave Logan a Magnadoodle for the plane ride to New Zealand and it has been the best toy/learning tool ever. Logan is really fussy still at times and very stubborn (that hasn't changed since birth). Often when she is waiting for food or we're in the car or pretty much anytime she gets restless; I just break out the magnadoodle and start drawing letters for her and teaching her them. She loves it so it keeps everyone happy and gets her learning young. We have also started counting up to 3, but she can't properly pronounce the numbers yet and often just repeats 2 over and over again and throws in a 9 (don't know where she got the 9 from).

She is so so good to her brother. I can't even explain how blessed we are by this. Every morning she wakes up and greets Fox with a "Hello Fo" (Fox) and waves at him. When Fox is crying she will find a pacifier and give it to him and rock him in his chair. She will sometimes hold the bottle when he is feeding. She very much adores her brother and often I will find them in the morning both in their separate cribs giggling and laughing with each other. It's very sweet.

Logan has become quite the little helper too. Everything from laundry to tiding up her toys, to throwing out diapers, she helps me with. She understands the instructions and although she doesn't always complete the task I think it's good to give her responsibilities from this early age. She seems to like it and it will teach her she needs to help out.

She also loves to climb. When we were in the process of moving I had dismantled the cribs and stacked them against the wall. I got the fright of my life when I left the room for a few minutes and then called Logan but she didn't come. I walked into the room looking for her and she was perched at the top of the stacked crib just sitting there kicking her legs looking at me. She scared me so much for 2 reasons! First because she just scared me because I didn't see her and secondly because if she had tried to get down she probably would have landed straight on her head. Anyways I then grabbed her and put her down and she went straight to climb it again and I thought I'd film it (now that I was standing right there to catch her if she fell).

Now on to Fox. Fox is the best baby ever! He is so good and almost never cries. I love my little boy so much. He's grown a lot since we got here. I think he's up to 19 lbs (only about 3.5 lbs shy of Logan!) and Logan and him wear the same size diapers now. We now feed him a mix of mashed foods and whole foods. He is still learning how to eat whole pieces of food but he is much quicker than Logan was. I think in a month or so he'll be off mashed foods. Developmentally he's much quicker than Logan so far. He's not crawling or anything yet but sits up and reaches for everything. He has gorilla arms as me and Andrew call it. You will sit him somewhere and be shocked at how far he can reach to grab something. Let's just say many cups and plates have been knocked over by him which seemed out of his reach.

He's a very happy baby and it's very easy to make him smile and giggle. He is a typical baby right now shoving everything in his mouth. He's got 2 teeth still but a third one is now poking through. He is such a cuddly baby and needy. He just loves to be held and cuddled which is fine by me :) He loves songs and I got him clapping his hands a few weeks back to 'If you're happy and you know it' but he doesn't do it anymore and I never got a chance to film it.

Both Logan and Fox absolutely LOVE Winnie the Pooh. I have the original movie and they love to watch it. Logan gets really excited during the songs. It all began when my friend Tanya bought Logan a little tigger snuggle buddy to sleep with when she was a newborn. She is very attached to it and we thought it would be cute to get Fox the Pooh. They are both very attached to their snuggle buddies and often Logan will bring Fox his Pooh if he's upset. OH and Logan also LOVES books. She insists on sleeping with a book every night. It makes me laugh.

Here's a couple of videos from Fox and Logan about a month ago. I was testing out my SLR's video mode so it's a little slow on the focusing.

Fox playing with pots

This is Logan's first Dip (French Fry dip). She saw us eating with ketchup and wanted some too:

Hopefully you enjoyed those videos and I will try and update and put more up here more regularly.

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