Tuesday, July 19, 2011

There's Something in the Water...and babies

Good Morning!

Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, children are happy. The sound of Fox chirping in the background and catching Logan out of the corner of my eye dragging toys around in circles makes me pretty happy.

Andrew has started back to school now. It's the first time since we moved I've been at home alone with the kids and it's been great so far. This is the first time ever we have lived in an apartment with ground access and it's made my life that much more enjoyable. I'm not too lazy to use stairs but lugging 2 children down the stairs (or up) with a stroller and whatever goodies I'm bringing back with me (groceries etc) was quite exhausting. Therefore, I never ended up going out much. Now our stroller is in our front hallway and to get out of the house by myself, I just throw the kids in and walk out the door. Life has gotten so much easier for me. Now I can take them to the playground everyday and get out of the house more regularly.

Andrew has been doing really well in school, getting A's and stuff. I'm really proud of him, he's working really hard. He also got that job I was writing about in my last post where he gets to work from home...yay! It's great for all of us and so far it's going well.

I'm super excited but sad at the same time. Our two friends Jonathan and Christina are going to have a baby girl any day now and I am so excited for them but sad because I can't be there to meet her! I remember both of my pregnancies coming to an end and the excitement and joy you feel is wonderful as you begin parenthood. They are both going to be wonderful parents! One of my other best friends is also pregnant. Mary-Beth and her husband Matthew are expecting as well, and I think she is due in December sometime so Congratulations to them as well. I am so stoked for Mary and Matthew. I've known Mary since I was 19 and she is one of the most amazing women I know and they will make such great parents as well! I'm sad I can't be there though :(

There's something in the water! The last few days have been brutal for all of us including the kids. The city has been heavily chlorinating the water since the earthquake for obvious reasons and I'm not sure if they've been scaling it back or if the chlorine has been getting to us but we've all been feeling super sick from it. The poor kids for their stomachs hurting and the bad diaper rash this is causing, and poor us for having to change their really gross poops 5 times a day! We've started to boil water today and here's hoping it helps!

Until next time...

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