Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pirates and The Ocean

Ahoy there Matey!

I realized I only update this blog once a month. Very pathetic I know!!!

So in all things that are new here we go...We've finally found a church community and feel so much happier and settled now that we have people to pray with and live in community with. Definitely makes being here a lot easier!

The aftershocks have been mellow for a while so we are feeling a bit better and less nervous. I'm sure there will be more big ones but it's nice to have a break from them either way!

We drove down to Lake Tekapo and Mount Cook, it was beautiful and magnificent. We went on a big hike there and Logan was a champ. It was only a 3.5 hour drive to get there. It was awesome. Pictures can be seen by clicking here.

The water is back open!!! The City council has given the all clear to go back in and it's not contaminated anymore. So we can go surfing very soon! When the water warms up a bit! It's still very cold!

Today we went to a Pirate Market at the New Brighton Mall that's less than a 5 minute walk. It was awesome. It was like a community outdoor market that was pirate themed with a pirate band and puppet show for the kids etc. All in all it was sooo much fun! I really LOVE the area we are living in. It was a bit dull in the winter but I can tell it's REALLY going to pickup and be an awesome place in the summer. Even now it's great! For pictures from the pirate market click here.

We are definitely feeling more positive about staying. I love Christchurch, the earthquakes suck but they have to calm down eventually right?! I hope so!

Here's a video of Logan dancing at the pirate market:

and her dancing with a pirate:

and here's a video of me and Fox playing ball...sorry about the fuzziness!

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